Personal Injury

Personal injury attorneys in Upper Michigan and Wisconsin.

Personal injuries can be some of the most unfortunate, disruptive, and potentially catastrophic events in one’s life. In some cases they can lead to crippling medical bills, the interruption or loss of one’s job, and can even prevent someone from living a happy, healthy, fulfilling life. No matter how many precautions we take, both individually and as a society, there always remains some risk that one will sustain an injury.

The attorneys at Roy Polich & Associates have decades of combined experience in handling all aspects of personal injury claims and have been successful in recovering awards to help offset the extraordinary burdens placed on an injured person.

Whether an injury results from an auto accident, a slip-and-fall, a dog bite, unsafe products, unsafe property, or any other cause, the attorneys at Roy Polich & Associates can assist you in determining whether you are entitled to compensation for your injuries. The laws in Michigan regarding personal injury frequently change and dealing with insurance companies can be time consuming, frustrating, and confusing.

There is often no amount of monetary compensation that can adequately repair the damages suffered in a personal injury case. However, the attorneys and staff at Roy Polich & Associates will work tirelessly to defend your rights and to make sure that any individual, corporation, manufacturer, or other party responsible for your injuries is held accountable for their actions.

Contact us today for a consultation.

We greatly appreciate the opportunity to assist our clients any way we can.