Estate Planning

Wills, trust, powers of attorney in Upper Michigan and Wisconsin.

Estate planning is often a concept that people are hesitant to confront, as it forces people to confront the decision of what will happen to their property and family once they have passed away. Despite the difficulty in confronting this issue, doing so can not only put the client’s mind at ease, but it can also alleviate some of the stress and uncertainty and prevent disputes after an individual passes. In some instances, having a comprehensive estate plan can prevent a decedent’s estate from owing significant sums in estate taxes. When arranged correctly, an estate plan can also result in a seamless transfer of a decedent’s property without the need for costly and lengthy probate proceedings.

Our estate planning practice can assist you with the preparation of everything from wills and trusts, to powers of attorney. Each of these documents have specialized purposes and benefits which we are happy to explain. Our planning can help assure that once an individual has passed away, his or her wishes are protected and carried out how he or she envisioned.

After someone has passed away, one’s property often needs to be probated in order to transfer it to the proper heirs. This process can be lengthy and expensive. We can help our clients avoid probate by properly titling assets or by creating a trust. Often, a family member will pass away before they have had a chance to create an estate plan. While dealing with the stress and emotion that come with a family member passing, questions inevitably arise about finances, assets, property, and other issues. Our firm can help answer these questions, allowing our clients to focus on the more important, personal issues that families confront in the wake of a loved one passing away.

We understand the difficult and sensitive issues that families deal with after a loved one passes and we can provide assistance to make our clients’ lives just a little bit easier. From a simple will or power of attorney to a complex and thorough trust, we have the experience and capabilities to properly advise you on the benefits of a range of estate planning documents. Call us today to make an appointment to find out how we can tailor a plan to your individual needs.

Contact us today for a consultation.

We greatly appreciate the opportunity to assist our clients any way we can.